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About Us

At HEALTHRIDGE, we stand as an integrative group practice dedicated to nurturing the vital connection between the mind, body, and our interaction with the external world. What sets us apart is how every member of our team deeply believes in the inherent link between mental and physical well-being, seamlessly integrating this philosophy into their work. Our providers bring diverse educational backgrounds and specialized training, carving out unique niches within the realm of mind-body care. We offer an array of services including dietitian support, medication management, and comprehensive mental health counseling. As an insurance-accepting practice, we strive to make our services accessible to all. With an inviting, warm, and comfortable atmosphere, we provide a comforting space where you can embark on a journey of quality mental health care.

Our mission at HEALTHRIDGE is to enhance mental well-being by nurturing the mind & body, and it's relationship with the external world through comprehensive and integrative care.

Our vision at HEALTHRIDGE is to educate and inspire individuals and communities about the transformative power of nurturing both the mind and body, enabling people to authentically connect with themselves and others while experiencing a more wholesome and fulfilling life.

Meet Our Team

Interested in Joining Our Team?

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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