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David Akva, LCSW-C

David Akva earned his degree from the University of Maryland School of Social Work, specializing in clinical social work and interdisciplinary care. He incorporates a diverse range of therapeutic modalities into his practice, including EMDR, CBT, mindfulness-based body psychotherapy (including Somatic Experiencing and Hakomi), and ongoing education in Contemporary Orgone (Reichian) Therapy. 

David's expertise lies in working with adolescents and adults facing PTSD, Depression, and Anxiety. He is also passionate about couples and family therapy, utilizing a systems approach that integrates body-mind awareness. Believing in the profound connection between the mind, body, and spirit, David helps clients develop coping skills and self-awareness by reconnecting them with their innate resources. 

His therapeutic approach goes beyond talking and listening, providing an experiential journey that empowers clients to explore their emotions freely. He creates a safe space where clients can express themselves fully, whether it's through cussing, yelling, laughing, crying, or any other form of expression. Outside of work, David enjoys quality time with loved ones, outdoor adventures, and immersing himself in music.